Twenty years ago the Birkenstock Arizona was celebrating its 30th birthday. These watches were made for that event. Birkenstock Central, a competitor of ours in Connecticut, purchased hundreds of these watches for that celebration. About a decade ago when Birkenstock Central closed shop much of their inventory was transferred to our store to sell with the proceeds going to the Heather Moore Bernard Music Fund. We quickly sold off all of the inventory except for the watches. All the watch batteries had died and I didn't know how to replace them. So the watches sat in storage.
Finally, just in time for the 50th anniversary of the Arizona, I watched YouTube videos and learned how to replace batteries. With an assortment of professional watch repair tools, I have replaced all the old batteries with new ones, then tested each watch for a couple weeks to confirm they kept accurate time. We hope to raise a few thousand dollars for the Heather Moore Bernard Music Scholarship Fund.