San Francisco is famous for its eclectic neighborhoods, fabulous restaurants, cable cars and the usual tourist sites, but it's also home to a series of wonderful hiking trails. Certainly, the city is quite walkable and has great public transportation, but despite being densely populated there are plenty of trails where you can exit the throbbing metropolis and find yourself serenely surrounded by nature, wowed by stunning views. The Land's End Trail is one example.

The trail is about 5 miles long, and one can reach the trail near the ruins of the former Sutro Baths.

In 1894, the baths were a major recreational feature of the city. A massive glass structure contained 7 different saltwater swimming pools maintained at different temperatures. The baths could accommodate 10,000 people. In its heyday, they had 40,000 towels on hand to rent. However, its popularity lapsed, and it fell into ruin, only the concrete foundations remain. From there you proceed north and eastward to the Golden Gate Bridge.

There are many fascinating detours along the way, if you have the time. You can choose between stunning views of the coast, natural wonders and points of history including defensive gun batteries from WWII.

There are fun neighborhoods and beaches along the trail to explore.

You can end your walk at the engineering marvel of the Golden Gate Bridge.

The trail is not too difficult and takes a couple hours, but there is no reason to rush with so many things to see.

Take a walk with Birkenstock.